

Jason Shelton

Lead Pastor - Preaching - Redemption Groups - Equipping

Jason grew up in Greeley, Colorado where God drew him to Himself. He attended CSU in Fort Collins and graduated with a degree in History. During his time in Fort Collins Jason and his bride Emily helped relaunch the college ministry at Mountain View Community Church where Jason completed Mountain View’s Pastor’s Institute in 2013. God moved Jason and Emily back to Greeley in 2014 where Jason served as an Elder at a small church plant. Desiring to be reconnected to the Crossway Network the Sheltons plugged in to Windsor Community Church in 2016. From 2018 to 2021 Jason served alongside a plurality of Pastors at Windsor Community Church and on Easter 2021 helped plant Redemption Church of Greeley. Jason has a passion for the word of God, leadership multiplication, and the city of Greeley.

He has been married to his best friend Emily since 2010 and blessed with three amazing kids, Liam, Grace, and Emmett. Jason has helped run his family’s dairy business since 2012 where he is still involved today. Jason’s other interests are athletics, reading, and anything entrepreneurial.

Pat Braddy

Pastor - Administration - Discipleship

Pastor Pat was born and raised in Greeley. He married his high school sweetheart; Jolene, and God has graciously gifted them with 57 years of marriage. They have three grown daughters and seven grandchildren, the youngest being 13. They also have an “adopted” daughter and she and her husband are serving the Lord oversees in Madagascar.

Pat and Jolene first met on horseback in east Greeley, while Pat was working in the family horse business. He attended CSU and graduated with a degree in Veterinary Medicine. After graduation, while directing animal health and nutrition for Monfort Feedlots and Monfort sheep feeding operations he came to know Jesus as his personal Savior. Jolene had come to faith a few months earlier and was instrumental in helping Pat understand his need for a Savior.

Pat attended Denver seminary, graduated with a Masters of Divinity, then served and pastored a church in Greeley for 30 years. Jolene faithfully served alongside Pat, leading women’s ministry and partnering with him in life-to-life discipleship of many couples. After leaving their Greeley church family they continued their discipling ministry among many church leaders around the country and connected with the Crossway Network. They began attending a Crossway church in Windsor and served on staff there for 6 years. Both Jason and Pat served together as pastors during that time.

Josh Trygstad

Pastor - Children's Ministries - Leadership Training

Joshua became a believer his senior year of high school before attending Northland International University where he studied History and Theology. He and Erin met at Northland and they were married in 2010 before completing a pastoral church internship and working on staff at Northland. God led the Trygstads to Minneapolis where they were blessed with two boys, Wyatt and Owen, before moving them home to Colorado where their third child, Colette, was born.

After moving to Greeley, CO it was through some college relationships that they were directed to Windsor Community Church. Josh completed Pastor’s Leadership Institute at Windsor Community Church in 2018.

Josh works in food manufacturing in Greeley and has too many hobbies, his favorites of which are elk hunting, backpacking, and reading great books.

Dustin Tallman


Jesus called Dustin out of darkness at Mountain View Community Church in 1995 while he was attending CSU.  Dustin went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in Biology before spending several years in Texas where he pursued a master’s degree in neuroscience and was blessed with the first of his three children.   Upon return to Colorado, Dustin rejoined Mountain View and grew through both the discipleship of faithful men and the opportunity to begin discipling others.  Dustin moved to Windsor Community Church and trained as a pastor through WCC’s Men in Ministry program and was blessed to help plant a church in Greeley in 2006 where he served as a pastor for several years until personal challenges necessitated he step away from ministry for a time.  After a period of healing Dustin returned to ministry at WCC and eventually as part of the core of families planting Redemption Church of Greeley.

Dustin and his wife Shelby have been married since 2014.  They currently have one foster child at home keeping life interesting. Dustin’s 3 older kids are away at college or starting careers and homes of their own.  Dustin continues to marvel at God’s redemptive love as past mistakes and challenges are healed and used to grow him nearer to Jesus.

Ministry Leaders

Alex Casetta

Lead Worshiper

Mike Delaney

Bryan Barka


Financial Affairs

Arlyn Litfin


Claire Stratman
